Are Sweet Potato Leaves Edible?


If you grew sweet potatoes this year, you probably have a massive tangle of vines overtaking your garden. Those sweet potato vines, in addition to being one of the crops that thrive in Florida summers, can be a tasty addition to the dinner table.

sweet potato vines with leaves

If  you grow greens like kale and collards, you probably know that they are cool weather crops that tend to bolt as temperatures rise. Not to worry, sweet potato greens can take their place!


I like to snip some leaves and saute with olive oil and garlic, much like I do with kale. It is delicious served as a side dish, much like spinach.

sauteed sweet potato leaves

Try not to harvest ALL your leaves, though, be sure to leave some to produce food to be stored in the sweet potatoes!

I think that I will have to try some in an omelet soon; starting kale seeds for my fall garden is reminding me of how much I miss kale with my eggs!

Have you ever eaten sweet potato leaves? If so, how do you prepare them? If not, would you be brave enough to try them? Let me know what you think!

Sweet potato vines aren’t the only green in my garden, the basil is still growing. Time to preserve some basil!

10 responses »

    • They similar to well-cooked kale in texture, but milder in flavor like spinach. They cook down pretty far. I don’t think there’s a limit on how much you can eat, but last year I hardly left any leaves on my vines, as we were eating them so much. My sweet potatoes last year were quite small, probably because I kept snipping off their food-making leaves!

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