DIY Decorated Grapevine Wreath


A pretty wreath adds instant personality and curb appeal. Grapevine wreaths are pretty inexpensive, and you don’t need a lot of silk flowers to decorate them. These basic instructions can be modified to fit any season or special holiday.
Here’s all you need: a grapevine wreath, silk flowers, wire cutters or strong scissors, and a wreath hanger. You may also need floral wire if you have many floppy stems. I didn’t need any for this one, but sometimes it is helpful.

This DIY wreath really is easy to put together. Just use the wire cutters to trim the stems, then poke them into the wreath where you want them. Grapevine wreaths are wrapped so tightly that you rarely need any additional help attaching flowers.


I really like pink and yellow together, so I used those as my main colors with white as an accent and some extra greenery to fill the wreath. I had some larger pink lilies for a focal point, and some tall spiky flowers to run up the sides.


Poke some of the spiky flowers into the wreath form so that they run up the sides of the wreath.


After running flowers up the sides, add the larger flowers as the focal point. I love these colors together!


Keep adding the fillers and greenery until it looks full and balanced. Don’t be afraid to be a little rough- just stab the stems in there until they are secure. If you don’t like how something looks, just yank it out and rearrange until you like it.


DIY Easy Decorated Grapevine Wreath

Hang it up and enjoy! So bright and cheerful, don’t you think? Decorating a grapevine wreath really is easy and wreaths make great gifts. There are so many ways to personalize them too-  you can add birdhouses, initials, ribbon bows, or figurines. What do you think? Does this look like something you would attempt? Try it- I think you will have fun!

Want to save this idea for later? Pin it to Pinterest!

On a gardening note, did you get some seeds or slow-release fertilizer into the ground before all this rain in North Florida? It’s a great way to save money on water if you can plant seeds just before God waters the ground.

I planted some more okra and cantaloupe. I love okra and wanted more, and I have had difficulty with my cantaloupe sprouts. I mulched too heavily around them and smothered them with the weeds. 😦

I also direct-seeded some eggplant. My transplants from earlier are doing well, but I want to see if I can grow them by direct-seeding. Any of you had success with that? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

5 responses »

    • I like being able to make a wreath in exactly the colors that I want so I don’t mind a bit rearranging. It’s like anything else-you get faster with practice. A wreath like that may only take about 10-15 minutes to assemble.

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